The following talks are currently available but others may be planned as required:
Bum Rolls to Bustles – the Underwear of Yesteryear.
Illustrated with reproduction and some real corsets, farthingales, panniers, crinolines, bustles etc, this talk and “hands-on” experience demonstrates how the different shapes seen in historical dress were achieved.
Historical fabrics and modern copies
This talk centres on a small but growing number of genuine fabrics and clothes in my personal collection, together with modern fabrics, and demonstrates how it is possible to recreate the look of an original garment. Fabrics are generally available for handling.
Medieval Costume
A slide show and talk,often with reproduction costume items on display, explaining how I research early costume by the use of paintings.
The talks can be tailored to suit 6 year-olds and upward in schools, groups such as the Richard III Society, Women’s Institutes, historical dancers and re-enactors, and audiences arranged by museum and historic house education departments.
Together with Jackie Marshall Ward of Danse Royale, I also give classes in the correct way of moving in period clothes, especially underwear. This is useful for drama schools, education departments in museums, and some living history groups.
I also find schools and colleges can be interested in various aspects of costume and dress, and talks or day courses can be prepared to match their particular interests.
For example, in 2001 I spoke to students and staff of the “Contour Fashion Course” at De Montfort University, Leicester, on the making and wearing of historical corsets.
I also did some sessions at Mount Carmel RC Technology College for Girls, North London, on the practical changes in clothing technology from Elizabeth l to Elizabeth ll.
I was privileged to give some talks on underwear, and on an 18th century lady’s clothing, including underwear, at the Wallace Collection in October 2002, in conjunction with their “Madame de Pompadour” exhibition. I also participated in a two day workshop, as an adviser/tutor, at the Victoria and Albert Museum, in conjunction with their “Vivienne Westwood” exhibition.
I can provide research for films and television, but I am not able to give information or advice over the internet for school or college projects.
For further details, and information about fees, please contact me.
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