The costume on the right was for the Education Department of the Wallace Collection. The lady gave talks in character, as Mme. de Pompadour, during the recent Boucher Exhibition.
I made an English Gable Headdress for people to try on, which was on show in the Medieval Gallery at the Museum of London.
The complete set of 16th century costumes for Danse Ecosse have now been delivered together with some fantasy masquerade accessories, and a Jacobean dress for one of the ladies. Three late 18th century dresses (1780’s) have been completed, and the earlier period short jackets (1745) will soon be finished.
I also made a couple of costumes for a medieval wedding recently, and two Regency gowns, another 18th century outfit and a couple of men’s outfits are being prepared any day now!
A couple of years ago I delivered a pannier, stomacher and petticoat to the Museum of London to go under a very small mantua in their possession. (The picture on the left is of the mantua during conservation, over my petticoat and hoops.) This mantua went on loan to the Musee de la Mode et du Costume in Paris for a wonderful exhibition of 18th century clothing, which has now closed, unfortunately.
I have also made a few ruffs for a TV series about Elizabeth 1, “The Virgin Queen” shown on BBC1, and in the U.S.
And a charming couple had 18th century outfits made a for a great party and ball they held for some birthday celebrations.

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