I can run workshops, arranged by groups or societies, to teach practical skills. I do not organise these myself. They need to be limited to a reasonable number of people, so everyone has access to the information. I do not normally teach individual students. I also have written pattern books for children to use.
Basic costume making
Whole day needed. One historical period per day, and mostly aimed at people making their own costumes, with some prior sewing knowledge. This is not suitable for beginners.
How to make ruffs
Short course suitable for anyone.
Basic differences in corset making
Not a course for beginners! This explains the differences in making corsets of different periods, why they work, and why you cannot substitute one period for another.
Costume clinic and costume roadshow
These can often be added to the end of another course or to a lecture. The clinic would involve people who have problems with a costume which perhaps does not fit quite as they would like, where a brief discussion might help to solve the problem.
A roadshow could involve genuine clothes being brought by members of the audience for study and possible dating. No valuation would be given.
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